

Hello World 8.20.23

A bit about this site, and why parts of it are so different.

First off, this is the first real site I have made with effort put into it. Becuase of that, I had ideas of making a nice, modern-looking site. But along the way when I was trying to find somewhere to host my site, I found Neocities. A newer version of Geocities, with thousands of sites that look nothing like the conventional sites of today. Sure, you can still find a few sites from professors who haven't updated their page since 2005, but other than that, most sites nowdays are all fancy with their optimized image loading, fancy graphics and animations, and whatever else someone can be hired to add.

Part of the reason it took so long to get this site up and running was because I couldn't make up my mind. Did I want a pretty, modern site to show to people who wanted to see my work? Or have an early-2000's themed site, overused gifs and all? I was leaning towards the latter, but I am not an artist, and I couldn't find the rights gifs and art to use. After searching for a while, trying to find ideas, I stumbled upon a blog post. (I'll add the link once I find it again.) To summarize, it was about how everyone puts so much work into modern sites. Perfect graphics, minimalistic, following 50 rules of graphic design. Few people make their own site, piece together code their own way. Now, it's all Wordpress, Squarespace, Wix, Weebly, predesigned sites with maaaybe a few images changed. It asked people to make their own site. Maybe it's not their main one, it may not be pretty, but learning to do it and show creativity. The piece that stuck with me most was that stylesheets aren't needed. For a small, personal site, stylesheets make everything the same. Don't do that. Instead, page each page completely different. Experiment, be creative, have fun. Make it wild.

Now, as you can see, I do have a stylesheet in use. But the idea of having each page be different, incohesive, weird, random, was what stuck with me. My pages don't need to match together. Right now, there isn't much different between pages, aside from backgrounds, but as I come up with new ideas and learn more, that will change. It won't be modern, it won't be quite 2000's era, but it'll be something. It's going to be weird and wacky in a good way, and the internet needs more of that. Go share your weird with the world.